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stripling's cajoling beseechment -


rallied tite about the VDT

 trembly fretful the declamation:

“i don’t pull out. i don’t even go in!

shake your dinners, Gerty!"

his clan’s monitoring with

downsloping allure...

"(she’s a people person, scout's honor my brooz)”.


stripling’s arduous pursuit -

the pain shoves frontally prior

to fully-buffered reverie.

unswerving rejoinders.

likely dubious,

his straightaway incantations

a rank familiar domain.

all the more untoward,

Gerty's definitely still a

pow-thudding mound

draped across the linoleum.

delivered like a baptismal bash:

got sopping wet, and now awaits

the revival finale.

intermissioning and pacing. 


stripling’s insufficient veiling -

monetizing dejection.

a tenant couched amid the social margins.

he's not cottoning appreciably to this occasion.

should the rinkydink state bide

pronto until quietus? oh, verve!


self-texted to the root of the root of this proser.

wut virtue ought he uncover

to yield the briefest unclenching of the crown,

pining still to pointilize the exhaling briar? 

Gerty wilted amidst the ribald tempest. 

there are Sub-Zeros and there are Scorpions.


tuckle i back into read. ✓

Lude Stanchions

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